February 2024 Intern Insights: Leeanna Duong

Leeanna Duong

Leeanna Duong is a Communications Intern for MAAV. She creates content for all our socials, attends events to engage with the public, and strategically assists with implementing communications plans to help broaden our audience and outreach. 

As I wrap up my time working at Monuments Across Appalachian Virginia, I am overwhelmed with thoughts, emotions, experiences and knowledge. I applied to this internship towards the end of my junior year of college. Among a sea of internships which never got back to me, MAAV was a beacon of hope that helped me enter the work force. I wasn’t aware of what I would be getting myself into when I applied to be a communications intern, I also didn’t realize that they’d like me so much as to keep me on their team for an entire year! I’ve learned so many important practical skills and life lessons while working here, and I feel a great sense of satisfaction knowing what I have been able to contribute to this organization. I also realized how lucky I am to be a part of such a supportive team – and that it’ll be hard to find one as welcoming as this one.

During my time at MAAV, I’ve worked on many projects and events. I had many opportunities to take charge of tasks organizing events such as Park(ing) Day, Gobblerfest, attending Advisory Board meetings, building a social media presence and more. I also participated in many fun work-related arts and crafts activities, which again, I am so lucky for. Unexpectedly, I had to use a lot of creativity for different aspects of my job. On top of designing crafts, I had to venture into a fairly untapped skill I had – graphic design. I had some previous experience with Photoshop and InDesign, but I soon became greatly familiar with these programs as I helped design many of our social media posts, fliers, brochures and other visual advertisements for MAAV. I’m thankful that this job forced me out of my creative comfort zone so that I could learn a new skill. I’ll be taking so many new skills with me into not only into my work, but also in my life.

 Another aspect of my internship that I greatly enjoyed was representing MAAV and educating the public about our organization and our mission. Being able to inform the Blacksburg/NRV community about MAAV has been a beautiful thing. So many community members showed such genuine interest and care in our project. We had so many important conversations and made so many powerful connections with NRV residents. You never really know how meaningful something is until you have to teach other people about it, and I think that’s what MAAV is about.

 I personally have grown a deeper connection with Appalachia through this internship. Through sharing untold stories and learning about hidden Appalachian histories, I feel proud to be an Appalachian. The struggles and tragic stories from this region are extremely hard to learn about and be aware of. I’ll always remember the stories of these groups and be sure to talk about them and highlight them at any chance I get. As a woman of color who has grown up and lived in Appalachian Virginia my whole life, I know that I’m not perceived as the typical Appalachian. However, as I grow up and this region grows older, it evolves and progresses to brighter days and brighter stories. I’m thankful that I’ve been able to find an inclusive and welcoming community within work as well as my daily life. 

When I first started at MAAV, I wasn’t sure of what stories we’d be telling. I wasn’t sure what kind of work I’d be doing, who I’d be working with and how the internship would go. Through this internship I’ve learned the importance of good leadership, open communication, an open mindset and mutual respect. It’s been such a wonderful ride being a part of the MAAV team. As I finish up my year at MAAV, I will cherish the rest of the time I have with my amazing leadership team and coworkers.


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