April 2024 Intern Insights: Will Heltzel

Will Heltzel

Will Heltzel, MAAV’s arcGIS Graduate Intern, plays a vital role the MAAV Monument Audit, assisting Dr. Sarah Plummer in cataloging and mapping various monuments across Appalachian Virginia.

One of the things I enjoy most about MAAV is how they embrace diversity. The faculty, staff, student interns, Advisory Board members, and projects working with MAAV represent diverse interests, fields, locations, and organizations. I think there’s something to learn from everybody, and I’ve loved spending time with my fellow interns. I won’t forget making mountains out of chicken wire and papier mâché.

I have loved working closely with our project coordinator, Lauren Trice. As a fellow urban planner, Lauren has shown what a planner can offer to and what a planner can learn from different projects. Jane Jacobs for life!

My time with MAAV will undoubtedly be helpful as I move along in my career. The experiences of marginalized people deserve attention from urban planners, as they often have been in the past. In an organization like this, we need effective collaboration to realize a community’s vision. This collaboration exists between everyone MAAV, and it’s great practice for a planner. I will be keeping up with all MAAV’s projects even after I am gone.


March 2024 Intern Insights: Rachel Poteet